“So me and my friend decided to start this brand as we had already had some experience on social media with a meme page and saw how lucrative the online space was from around 15/16. By 18, the only logical next step was to try to find a way to monetise our expertise. That, paired with a gap in the market for UK clothing brands with a real theme and purpose, made starting a brand a no-brainer. We announced it in February 2019 with a simple spade design, no shirts no nothing. Just the logo and the name Solitaire, which took us hours to come up with. We settled on Solitaire simply because it sounds so cool but also because the name has so many places you can go with it, so the brand can never feel boxed in. 5 years deep now, and the logo and name have turned into jackets, tracksuits, and more. Influencers slowly started messing with us, and we started reaching out too; now the brand is bigger than ever, and we don’t plan to stop anytime soon”.

Client Work
Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
Photoshoot for Solitaire London
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